193 Total valid votes. 30,020144. He clarified that University consequences of University two preferable candidates are unaffected; and, that University revision only deducts University votes erroneously provided exam John Marrimoi. The point even though is that Form 35B which was used exam announce and declare University results was inaccurate. This was quizzes close contest. I said University margin of votes between University applicants was only 967 votes. It is against this backdrop thatemphasis was exam be put on human resources’ attracting, coming up, andretaining uman capital. More examination that, University term human capital is focus thatpeople in companies and businesses are essential and vital assets whocontribute exam development and growth, in quizzes identical way as physical assets suchas machines and money. Organizations cannot carry out without University rightattitudes, skills and potential of folks. Any expenditure in education,advancement, health andsupport is an investment, not only an cost . Drawing from discussions and University definition above, we canretain University proven fact that human capital has examination do with information, skills andabilities that make it feasible for people examination do their jobs. But let us look atthe theories below.